Sunday, February 9, 2014

The ABC's of Death "I is for Ingrown"

We open with a man in a bathroom wearing gloves, holding a red bottle and a syringe, we also see that he is wearing a wedding ring.  He walks over to the bathtub and opens the bath curtain where we see a women, bound and gagged.  She struggles as he inserts the syringe, with whatever the liquid from the bottle was, he then stumbles away as she reaches out to him.  In the tub, she scratches her skin until it bleeds, she then vomits, and dies.  We then see that she is wearing a wedding ring as well.  During the short, the women does a voice over that reveals that she is not an intruder or stranger, that she arrived "without looking or worrying", and that she "didn't see this happening".

The End. 
I'm assuming she was his wife?  I really liked this one though!  Tell me what you thought of the short in the comments, on Twitter (@SilentToHughes) or on Facebook (
Hope you all have a great night!

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